Post by huseyin on Aug 18, 2006 9:14:33 GMT make sa'i,that is ,to walk in the prescribed way,seven times between the mounts of Safa and'i without tawaf is not sahih(valid) stay for waqfa at Muzdalfa while returning from Arafat.Muzdalafa is the place where the Prophet Adam first met the blessed Hawwa(eve) throw clean pebbles,or anything on which it is pernissible to make tayammum,for three days at Mina.
4.before taking off the ihram,to shave at least one-fourh of your head or to cut or have someone cut at least three cm. of your is not an excuse not to find a barber or a shaver.even person without any hair or with a sore on his head has to pass the shaver around his head without touching his head.women do not shave or clip their hair.but they cut a little of it with scissors.
5.for those hajjs who are Afaqi,that is,who come to Mecca from places that are farther from the places called Miqat,to make Tawaf-i sadr,that is tawaf-i wada,the day before departing form Mecca.this tawaf not wajib for a menstruating woman. stay at Arafat for a while after sunset.
7.during tawaf-i ziyarat to make three more turns after going round the Kaba-i muazzama four times.
8.not to be without ablution or ghusl when making the tawaf. have on clean clothes. make the turns by taking the place called Hatim within the circle when making tawaf. make the tawaf with the Kaba-i muazzama always on your left hand side. have made the tawaf-i ziyarat by the sunset of the third day of the Iyd
13. to cover the awrat parts when making the tawaf.this very important for women.
14.when making sa'i between the mounts of Safa and Marwa to begin fom Safa perform two rakats of salat in the Masjid-i Harm after each tawaf. do devil-stoning during Iyd days. do headshaving or haircutting on the first day of the Iyd and within the Harem. make the sa'i walking .men walk faster between the two green posts.
19.for people making qýran or tamattu hajj,to kill a kurban for thanksgiving. kill the kurban on the first day of Iyd.
21.doing such forbidden things as sexual intercourse before staying at Arafat will nullfy the is fard not to such things before staying at is wajib to forbear from those other than sexual intercourse till after taking off the ihram and from intercourse till after making tawaf-i ziarat. stay for waqfa at Muzdalfa while returning from Arafat.Muzdalafa is the place where the Prophet Adam first met the blessed Hawwa(eve) throw clean pebbles,or anything on which it is pernissible to make tayammum,for three days at Mina.
4.before taking off the ihram,to shave at least one-fourh of your head or to cut or have someone cut at least three cm. of your is not an excuse not to find a barber or a shaver.even person without any hair or with a sore on his head has to pass the shaver around his head without touching his head.women do not shave or clip their hair.but they cut a little of it with scissors.
5.for those hajjs who are Afaqi,that is,who come to Mecca from places that are farther from the places called Miqat,to make Tawaf-i sadr,that is tawaf-i wada,the day before departing form Mecca.this tawaf not wajib for a menstruating woman. stay at Arafat for a while after sunset.
7.during tawaf-i ziyarat to make three more turns after going round the Kaba-i muazzama four times.
8.not to be without ablution or ghusl when making the tawaf. have on clean clothes. make the turns by taking the place called Hatim within the circle when making tawaf. make the tawaf with the Kaba-i muazzama always on your left hand side. have made the tawaf-i ziyarat by the sunset of the third day of the Iyd
13. to cover the awrat parts when making the tawaf.this very important for women.
14.when making sa'i between the mounts of Safa and Marwa to begin fom Safa perform two rakats of salat in the Masjid-i Harm after each tawaf. do devil-stoning during Iyd days. do headshaving or haircutting on the first day of the Iyd and within the Harem. make the sa'i walking .men walk faster between the two green posts.
19.for people making qýran or tamattu hajj,to kill a kurban for thanksgiving. kill the kurban on the first day of Iyd.
21.doing such forbidden things as sexual intercourse before staying at Arafat will nullfy the is fard not to such things before staying at is wajib to forbear from those other than sexual intercourse till after taking off the ihram and from intercourse till after making tawaf-i ziarat.